Visit Us   

Our mission is to connect people to Jesus and his family.We love God, and we love one another! We create an atmosphere where everyone feels welcomed and wanted. Feel free to sit anywhere, there are no reserved seats. We would love for you to be our honored guest!


Riverdale Church of Christ
507 Warrior Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37128



General Inquiries

Here’s what to expect when visiting Riverdale:


Our worship assemblies are not flashy or designed to entertain. Our priority is pleasing God in all that we do. We believe that the most important clothing you wear is internal. However, our choice of clothing should express to the Lord and those around us that worship is a holy occasion, one which deserves our highest regard. A God-honoring attitude toward worship is reflected by choosing attire that is our best.

Family-friendly Facilities

God loves children, and so do we! We have Bible classes each Sunday morning (9 am) and Wednesday evening (7 pm) for all ages. We work diligently to help children understand their importance in the church and in God’s kingdom. We have an equipped nursery and a place of privacy for nursing mothers.


God does not accept sin, but, He will meet us where we are as we seek Him. As modeled by Jesus, we do not turn our backs or turn up our nose. Instead, we build relationships with compassion and grace. We know that none of us are perfect, so come and begin your journey of spiritual growth with us.


If you believe in a powerful God who created all things for a purpose, it only makes sense to learn who God is, what He wants for us, and what He calls us to do with our lives. The Bible is our only guide! Our beliefs aren’t driven by popularity or society’s approval, but by our desire to glorify God in everything we do by living according to His word.


We want our services to be inspire, engage and uplift, but more than all of that we want them to be true to God. Our pattern of worship follows New Testament precedent. We MUST worship God in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24). Every first day of the week, we invite you to participate with us in:

  • Praising God and edifying one another through a cappella SINGING

  • Thanking God and making our requests known through PRAYER

  • Learning about God through READING and PREACHING from the Holy Scriptures

  • Remembering the sacrifice of Jesus Christ by observing the LORD’S SUPPER

  • Honoring God by GIVING of our monetary blessings (contributions from guests are welcome but not expected)

You are invited, welcome, and encouraged to visit with the Riverdale family!